Toddler Program
This is our program for children 2 years old. In this program the maximum number of children we can have in this group is 10 with 2 Early Childhood Educators.
In this program children are introduced to all developmental areas of learning and learn through play. They work on projects geared around their own interests and likes. They learn letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. They learn though sensory activities, gross and fine motor skill development, art and expression, building, dramatic play, group time, and outdoor play. They start to learn self help skill and toileting. They start to learn about community and become active members in their world. Parent involvement in greatly encouraged in our program and through projects.
Communication Charts are also used in this age group and the Educators find it an effective tool in the communication between Educators and Parents. Children’s days are tracked on this sheet along with tracking toileting and eating and activities.